One thing I care heaps about is healthy eating. Not only is it good for me because that's what the doctor says, but I really feel the difference when I'm eating clean, whole foods. My body is very sensitive to what it eats and I'm so glad there is something I can do to make it feel a little bit better...
This has meant that I have cut out processed foods which might contain additives, preservatives, colours and other ingredients I don't know what they are. I'm only eating small amounts of wheat and dairy. And I'm not eating refined sugar. This sounds massive and like a big change but it's much easier than it seems (especially if you like cooking, and you give yourself a little bit of flexibility so you don't starve when you go out or go hungry when you're unprepared). We have even saved money this way even though most of the ingredients are more expensive – I buy a lot of ingredients in bulk, and get my fruit and veg through a co-op. It's smart shopping because I go to the shops way less often (saving me time and energy), I'm not supporting big corporations like Woolworths as much (thank goodness), I'm getting great food which is good for me (which makes everyone happy) and I'm saving money (which makes a huge difference when you can't work)!
It can be hard though. You know the Sunday afternoon when you just want to watch TV, eat a packet of chips and a block of chocolate, and pretend you're a sloth... Or am I the only one?! You need some good snacks!
Enter sweet potato chips.
Yes, they sound gross because they're named after a vegetable, but they truly are delicious. All you need is sweet potato, oil and salt (and a mandolin if you're both lazy and pedantic). Put them in the oven and you have delicious chips in no time. Good hot or cold. And there are lots of recipes to create other flavours like barbecue or salt and vinegar. I just like mine plain though (or with a bit of tumeric).
Who doesn't love some popcorn? Unfortunately you can't eat it from those microwave packets but save yourself some money and counting the pops while freaking out if they're burning, and buy the corn kernels and stick them in a saucepan. Just as delicious, easy to know when they're ready (if you have a clear lid), saves you something like $1.50/100g and you can choose your serving size. Plus, don't the kernels look cute in a glass jar like this in your pantry!? If you want, add some butter, coconut oil and/or salt to them.
Pumpkin Seeds.
Pumpkin seeds can be used in heaps of things and have great health benefits, but roasted pumpkin seeds straight from your pumpkin, are yummy! Their taste reminds me of popcorn but with a crunchy shell. I'm not going to lie, they are a pain to prepare: wash, dry, unstick, boil, dry, unstick, bake, careful not to burn the inside (I can't see the inside!!) but they are brilliant for a no waste kind of girl like me.
Dark chocolate is a winner for most clean eaters but I still sometimes react to the 85% stuff. However, making your own is so easy! Cacao, coconut oil, a natural sweetener, the fridge (or freezer if you're in desperate need) and voila. Much easier than going down to the shops for a block! You can even add things to it to spice it up: coconut flakes, fruit and nut, goji berries, pepitas, whatever you want (except marshmallows and lollies)! Sometimes I set it in a baking pan then cut it up, but it's also fun in shaped ice cube trays for some cute hearts or flowers. Keep them in the fridge and you have chocolate whenever you need!
What snacks do you enjoy? What could we make as an alternative? Or have you got any great clean eating ideas?
I'll post more sweet things I love to make at another time. I always have food made so I don't resort to eating stuff that makes me sick! However, the Portuguese tart I had the other day at a cafe was delicious!