Monday, 17 October 2016

meet the maker: belinda marshall.

The other week, I was fortunate enough to attend a painting workshop with the very lovely Belinda Marshall. Belinda is a Melbourne-based artist and surface designer – painting with acrylics on wood and linen (two of my FAVOURITE things!) and her works are beautiful! 

I have long been admiring her work and I stare lovingly at her calendar hanging in my kitchen on a daily basis. When I found out she was running workshops, I was excited, yet not convinced because I didn't want to spend that money on myself and I've never really painted before. My apprehensions were oh so wrong – check out my review of her workshop in a post coming soon.

I wanted to share Belinda's work with you and to get to know her and a bit about her work, so I had a chat with her.

When did you start painting and what initiated this love for acrylics and colour?
I started painting in high school and fell in love with it then. I took a massive break, which I guess was due to being an adult (earning money, etc) and I reconnected with painting properly when I was pregnant with my first son. I started with oils and moved to acrylics after my second son was born so that I could paint in short bursts.

Who/where do you look to for inspiration in your work?
I don't really look for inspiration anymore. I feel a bit spoiled for it having so much to look at on Instagram. I find that painting in itself gives me inspiration.

We're all creative (in different ways), what would you say to someone wanting to start or reignite a creative passion but isn't sure what to do or who to start?
I would say, start trying things out! If you're loving what you're doing, seek out other people doing the thing and give yourself time to pursue creativity regularly. I think doing creative workshops are great as they are a way to try things without committing time or resources outside the workshop which is a bit liberating. If you had a good time there and want to keep up with what you learnt, you have a group of people who you can follow up with to keep learning.

More and more people are working from home or for themselves; what makes for a productive days work for you? What do you need around you or in your workspace?
Having 15 minutes to myself in the morning with a coffee  and a book before my kids wake is really important for getting into a groove for work. I like to be in the studio to work where there are people around but not always right next to me. I just need music on to help with tuning into what's happening with my work.

Image from @ceciliafox on Instagram


  • flower: ranunculus (like the picture)
  • breakfast: avocado on toast
  • colour scheme: pastels (pink and blue!)
  • location: Sweden
  • thing in your home: a collection of paintings by my sons
  • outfit: big dress with leggings
  • day of the week: not fussy

To view (and be tempted by) more of her beautiful artworks, check out her website. She sells her work as prints, on cushions, beautiful wall hangings (did you see the one above, it's amazing!), eco-friendly greeting cards (one set shown below) and even has her 2017 calendar out (I've already purchased mine!). Click here.

Or even better, check out her exhibition on at Lumiere Art + Co in Sorrento on Melbourne's beautiful Mornington Peninsula. From October 9, 2016.

Follow her on social media for some beautiful images and to stay up-to-date with what's happening:

    All images from Belinda's website or Instagram page.


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