Thursday, 13 November 2014

shop local this christmas.

I love shopping local. There's something awesome about knowing that when you purchase something it's not only going to bring a smile to the recipients face but also to the maker/creator/seller. Too often what we buy only feeds money into big business. I want to change that.

So my challenge to you: shop local this Christmas. Start now, shop around, and help small business owners have a happy Christmas too!

I could list thousands of presents for you to buy, but instead I'll point you in the direction of where to buy some of those Christmas necessities... that will make a difference (and you might even find some great present ideas while you're there).

C A R D S :
TEAPEAlala (also featured here) makes beautiful cards. She has just launched her Christmas collection and will be selling them this Saturday (and December 6 and 20) at Olive Tree Market in Newcastle. You can also shop through her etsy store (from next week) or order through me.

blacklist studio/store is one of my faves. Their typography is awesome! They have just put out these cards which come in handy packs of 10. Buy them online or look here for their stockists.

W R A P P I N G  P A P E R :
Lauren Merrick Illustration (also featured here) has the most amazing range of wrapping paper (and cards and gift tags). All hand painted (some hand cut), she makes wrapping presents even more fun!* Check her out at Olive Tree Market (15/11, 6/12, 20/12) or Avoca Beachside Markets (23/11) or shop online.

S A N T A  S A C K :
Check out Cabin Co. for some glitz and glam or for a neutral look, you can't go past Maya Muse Textiles' screen printed beauties – I bought a Maya Muse one in white for my husband last year. It's so fun to be able to fill a sack full of presents for your loved ones! Shop online or find Maya Muse at Avalon Market Day (November 15) or The Finders Keepers (December 12 and 13).

Cabin Co. (gold) and Maya Muse (red)

D E C O R A T I O N S :
Give your old decorations a new lease on life with some white, silver or gold spray paint...

images from here, here and here
but if you're looking to invest in some new ones, check out Hodi Home Decor for awesome wreaths, Little Paper Lane for noel stars, Dear September for rustic wooden decorations and Kuberstore for nature inspired ornaments. So many more around!

C H R I S T M A S  T R E E :
Mister Moss has cool hanging plants and for Christmas they have awesome hanging mini Christmas trees. I'm in love. And you can choose what colour string you like – to match in with your theme.

G I F T S  T H A T  K E E P  O N  G I V I N G :
Oxfam, Compassion, World Vision, TEAR (plus many more organisations) have catalogues (and websites) full of gift ideas that help those who need it most. Curb the materialism and buy something for someone who really needs it. With cards like: "Babe, I got you Babe" which buys a family in Vietnam a pig; or "I wanted to get you something deep and meaningful, so I bought you a well" which provides tools for a community in Sri Lanka to dig a well, giving them clean water for life; or "Cheers! You just shouted clean water for a whole family" which does that... for only $9! Go on, do your good deed (it's tax deductible too!).

As I've mentioned above, there are lots of markets around the place and they're the best place to find local creatives and great gifts.

M A R K E T S :
What other markets or small businesses can you recommend to get ready for Christmas?

* If you don't find wrapping presents fun, then please contact me about wrapping your presents. Seriously.

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