Monday, 9 October 2017

10 ways to live more sustainably.

Recently I re-found a document called "75 Ways to Live More Sustainably in 2013". Thankfully it doesn't only apply to 2013 and has some good tips for more sustainable living...

We are constantly trying to live a clean and sustainable life, for us and for our environment. From the list, lots of things we do well, others are stupid, and others we want to work on. Let me share 10 with you:

  1. Start reading the labels on your food. This is how we shop (when we go to the shops), we don't read the nutritional information, but the ingredients list. What is actually in the food. We don't buy food if we don't know what it is or the list is super long.
  2. Switch to reusable grocery bags when you shop. If you're not already doing this, then I think you should. Sure, the grocery bags can be good for some bins as bin liners, but half the the time they have holes in them and can't be used. Save landfill!
  3. Buy second hand... everything. Buying everything second hand is difficult, but you might as well try. We try to source as many of our homewares second hand but I'm sure there's heaps more we could be getting. I'd recommend, if not buying second hand, then buy local and support local businesses. Often their practices are more ethical.
  4. Start composting. We do the best we can. I wrote about our composting solution here, but since then we have also added a tumble composter because we had too much to compost (there's so many things you can compost). But before composting, try using some of those scraps... make bone broth or green scraps pesto or reinvent meals to use some of those old looking veggies.
  5. Adjust your thermostat. Keep your house cooler in winter and warmer in the summer. We have air con but try not to use it too often. Instead we close our blinds in the late afternoon to keep the sun out or the heat in. And we close the doors to the rooms we're not in to keep the heat in or open the windows and doors in the summer. We also have blankets nearby for cold nights. 
  6. Eat less meat. This means we will be able to afford to buy better quality meat from animals that have been treated humanely. I don't do this as well as I should. I go through phases. I really believe that animals that have been treated well serve our bodies better when we eat them. We try to buy organic/free range but I want to be better. The price difference should be worth it!
  7. Share the good news. I enjoy telling people about Jesus, but this point is actually about sharing about sustainable living. Here I am sharing with you. I want to be better though. Often I don't feel like I am well enough informed... but the more I talk about it the more I grow and learn. I'm just sharing what I know and hope to see change cause maybe you haven't thought about it!
  8. Try natural remedies first before heading to the doctor. I try to find the source of the problem. I no longer (well, very rarely) treat headaches with panadol instead with rest, water or a massage. Our bodies aren't meant to ache, so find out why they do and change that instead. I also use essential oils, food and other goodies to help my ailments.
  9. Become a nudist. This is our announcement that we are saving water and energy from washing; money and sweatshops from not needing to purchase clothes; and getting more Vitamin D, naturally. What a brilliant idea... JOKES! I think instead we might just wash less (on cold and line dry), purchase ethically made clothes that we need, and enjoy the sun when I can.
  10. Reduce, reuse, recycle. I have so many ideas for this. But do it. Start thinking outside of the box. I make my own dips that I store and serve in old glass jars. I make my own cards from brochures, envelopes and magazines and give others wrapping paper that has been used before. Think about what you can reuse.
I hope these tips and thoughts have been helpful and have given you an idea of what you can do to live a life better for the planet, your body, and your wallet.

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