Sunday, 20 April 2014


Throughout lent (the 40 days plus Sundays before Easter) I read the book of Matthew. 

Lent is traditionally known for fasting but not many people also practice feasting. The idea is that people fast for six days and on Sundays they feast, as they look forward to the celebration of Easter Sunday. This year, I chose not to fast but instead feast on the Word. This looked like reading Matthew, one chapter at a time and journaling about it. (Starting one week late to allow me to do it with my small group and having one 'catch up' day a week meant I finished a few days before Easter). 

Each day I would read the chapter and ask God to reveal to me one verse (or half a verse, or a couple of verses) which I could journal about and apply to my life. Here I'll share some with you (in some cases it might help to read the whole chapter to fully understand). Please note that these are my personal thoughts from my journal. They're for me (and I hope for you) but if you don't agree with how I've interpreted them (or at all), that's ok, but know that God speaks to and loves each of us individually. 

Let me today, Resurrection Sunday, share with you from the last three chapters of Matthew.

Matthew Twenty-Eight: Six & Seventeen
He is not here; he is risen, just as he said... When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted. 
"Just as he said." Stuff happens just as Jesus says. He speaks, things happen. What he says, as unbelievable as it may sound, will happen. We have good reason to hold on to his promises and to trust what he says. Not one of his promises has ever failed, he is trustworthy and true, he's fighting for us. We need to trust him and listen to him. What he says, goes. He said he will rise on the third day, so he did. He speaks to us in his word and in our life, this is truth. Hold on to truth! We need to trust, have faith, then worship him when we see him (even in the waiting - we may need to adjust our vision). Some will doubt, but we cannot let them get in the way of our worship. Not all will believe, but it's up to us to believe. Let us lead them to Jesus through our worship, not let them lead us away from him. Jesus has given us a job to do and promises to be with us always. So go, trust, believe, worship and make disciples of Jesus. 

Matthew Twenty-Seven: Forty-Three
He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, 'I am the Son of God.'
I love and hate Matthew 27. Jesus is so compliant. He doesn't argue. He allows them to do what they want and the law to do what it's allowed to - even though they are all lies and unfair. He doesn't argue back, as much as I'm sure (in his humanity) it pained him, because he knows the bigger plan and picture. I feel sick thinking about this pain. But I love that they realise he trusts in God, and if that's true, that God can save him and do what he wants. I cannot imagine they were expecting what happened. I think allowing God to rescue was a mockery of Jesus, not a statement of faith, but it did allow God to fully show himself and reveal his glory - in a more powerful way than ever expected. God did rescue him, and all of humanity at the same time! 

Matthew Twenty-Six: Fifteen, Twenty-Four & Fifty-Three
"What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?" So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. ... "It would be better for him if he had not been born." ... "Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?"
Jesus needs us so much less than we think or often dare to admit. We so often think so much relies on us. So much so that we think 30 pieces of silver is better than him. We are so misguided. Jesus is so much more precious than silver or gold. He doesn't need us but offers himself to us as a gift that we can choose to accept and love and take pleasure in. Jesus has authority over everything - he has angels at his disposal - yet he chooses to use us and reveal himself to us. If only we were more in awe and recognised what he was doing, and were more reliant upon him. I want to follow this King because he does things a different way, and I want to follow in his love. 

There are many more chapters and many more things which Jesus taught me over this time. I will share these over time. Any thoughts? Any requests on chapters? 

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